The video surveillance system, also known as the CCTV system, is a technological security control of the overall physical security program.

Traditionally patrolling security personnel used to this surveillance part, and their job was to detect any policy violations or signs of undesirable or criminal activities.

First, the CCTV’s came into existence with the introduction of technology in the Security industry. Second, as technology advanced, now the CCTV has been upgraded to the comprehensive video surveillance system. Today, more appropriately CCTV system is referred to as a video surveillance system in a complete sense.

This video surveillance system is an invaluable tool in the overall security system or security program.

These days the video surveillance system is being used in various situations in addition to security requirements. For instance, to monitor the safety of people or business operations, even in being used in medical operating procedures/operations. When you, however, look at the video surveillance system from a security standpoint, it has three primary uses.

1. To know what is happening that has a security concern.
2. To understand what has happened.
3. To deter or discourage undesirable or criminal activities.

In this, I am going to talk about five common uses of the video surveillance system at the workplace.

1 Provide a secure workplace:
No one wants to work under constant fear. When your workplace is insecure and hostile, your employees cannot focus on their work. Having an effective security program with a sound video surveillance system will help your organization provide a sense of security.

A video surveillance system will help your business to prevent vandalism, break-in attempts into the facility, and other petty crime.

Having with surveillance system will not also give employees a sense of security but also the management and the business owners.

2 Prevention of employee theft:
Do you know who steals most from an organization? Employees. As per the US Department of Commerce, around 75% of the employees take if they get the right opportunity.

These dishonest employees are one of the main reasons why most businesses fail. Soon you can be out of your business if you do not have a mechanism to identify such employees, and CCTV system is your best friend.

Thus, having a video surveillance system can dramatically reduce employee theft and create significant deterrence. Also, Video Surveillance System/CCTV helps your business in avoiding lawsuits.

3 Avoiding lawsuits
Disgruntled employees and customers, in many instances, tried to sue the companies with fake lawsuits. The Video Surveillance System/CCTV has proven to be very useful in avoiding those false lawsuits.

It also ordinary employees having physical fighting with one another having harassment claims among co-workers and so forth. In all of those situations, a Video Surveillance/CCTV System will become an invaluable tool for your organization.

4 Low insurance cost:
Running a business is a daunting job, and a robust risk management approach is essential for its survival. A common risk management approach is to have insurance as a risk reduction strategy.

Having an effective video surveillance system with other security control measures will reduce your organization’s insurance costs considerably.


5 Workflow monitoring:
You can use a video Surveillance system in non-security functions for various purposes. One such use is ops monitoring or efficiency monitoring.

You can use a Video Surveillance system to monitor workflow. For instance, employees’ time spent in the office or on important business activity vs. loitering.

Even a five-minute CCTV review can give you various insights into the effectiveness of operations.

In the end, sound video surveillance/CCTV systems will provide you two possible results.

First, a sound surveillance system should produce identical video footage of the people engaging in criminal behavior or violating company policy. Second, the system will also serve as a deterrence tool.

Perhaps every user of a smartphone today has a video surveillance system in his hand. Hence, having an effective video surveillance/CCTV system will benefit your organization significantly.